

Almost all of the pictures and artworks appearing on the individual blog posts are random pictures I found while doing image searches on the internet. I do not own most of the pictures or art appearing on the posts, nor do I claim to have done them. No infringement is intended. The videos posted can be found on Youtube usually. The Written works are mine unless otherwise stated. I created this blog to show case them alone, apart from my other work, blogs, and writings... and have done so under my pen name. Also this blog site contains adult oriented material that is not suitable for most children and probably not suitable for work. furthermore this site contains some pornographic images and text.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Message from L. C. Bellami about what you can expect when reading his stories;

What you can expect from me as a writer. Well right away there are several things that might upset more than a few people. I say these things to warn people ahead of time. I think a lot of accepted modern grammar rules are stupid and outdated and need to be done away with. Not all of them, but there are several. Next, Just like Hollywood imagines the same actors for different roles, I get inspired by a lot of the same models, musicians, and movie stars and see them in different stories in my head. So you will see me use the same people as listed inspirations more than once most likely. I am majorly attracted to men with muscles, long hair, tattoos, and piercings so you can expect lots of me with that type of look in my books. Also and this will really irritate many people, I am a religious person. So you will see a lot of religious and spiritual themes and morals in my works. You can also expect many of the stories will include the concepts of eternal love, and insta-love. You can expect that most of my stories will involve things that can get them labeled as Romance, Erotica, Fantasy, Paranormal, and even Sci-fi. Even the stories set in the so called “real world” will have metaphysical elements to them. Again I am a very religious person. This is not meant to come off as preachy or anything, I am simply being honest about who I am and what inspires me. You can expect that my books will many times be considered easy reads lol. Also you can expect all endings to be happy. I do not write freaking tragedies. I am so sick and tired of people’s obsession with tragedies. I don’t care if they do teach great life lessons at this point. I am just tired of them and do not find them entertaining any more. I think life should reflect art not the other way around. I think Art should inform Life. I think it is the duty of art not only to teach and communicate, but to inspire, and uplift. I also think the same thing about religious services and institutions by the way. The spirits of Oppression, and depression, Sadness, and apathy have taken hold of this world and I believe that it is the duty of both art and religion to fight this darkness. Most of the time my endings are so sugary sweet they will rot teeth. I am not ashamed of this, I proudly proclaim it. Also I do not like a lot of loose ends, so you will find very little of them in my work.

Part of why I wanted to be a writer was to help provide stories to all the young queer guys out there with the stories I never got to have growing up and always wanted. I wanted the fairy tales or any story really to reflect me somehow; to have characters that resembled me. It just never happened until I was much older. I hope that somewhere out there, there are young queer guys who like spirituality and also modern day fairy tales, and that they enjoy my stories. I am very aware I am writing to a very niche Market. My stories are not going to appeal to most people. My stories have graphic and very explicit sexual scenes in them. So they are not for the faint of heart, as far as sex goes. I fully hope that my sex scenes inspire masturbatory fantasies and activities. It will shock and anger many that I can talk so freely and openly about sexual things and in the next sentence speak of religious matters. Why this shocks anyone I can’t fathom. Even the bible has an entire book of utterly graphic sexual romantic poetry. Sex and Spirituality should have never been forced so far apart way back when, but they were. I do not believe it is a good or healthy thing and my writing is in part an attempt to correct that grievous mistake. Sex is many things to many people. It is an expression of love, lust, passion, and affection for some. It is a means of healing for others. Still for some it is a way of finding connection in a world where we are far too often isolated. For many people sex is also a sacred spiritual and often a ritualistic act. Sex to me is beautiful, and sacred and should be treated as such. Why not treat it with dignity and reverence, and also humor and irreverence all at once? What sex is not, is un-spiritual or filthy. Though it can sometimes be dirty lol. Kinky fuckery is something I am all for lol. I just wish people would stop acting like it is utterly secular with no spiritual components to it what so ever. I also would like churches to stop teaching people that sex is wrong or dirty, or that two people who happen to be of the same gender are wrong or living in sin simply for whom they love. I hope that my work inspires people to look at religion, spirituality, and sexuality differently. I also hope they will just be enjoyable to read. If you don’t like my work, well the answer is simple…don’t read it. Problem solved. If anything I have mentioned here is likely to irritate of offend you…well you can put a book down at any time after all, and find something else to read. Thank you ahead of time for giving my work a chance. Blessed Be! 

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